‘A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything.’
Freidrich Nietzsche
I have always known in my hearts of hearts, the notion that religious people are mad. I mean they just have to be, don’t they? To me talking to a God that may not exist with a certainty is the same as talking to an imaginary friend. Then how come, one lunatic is swatting flies at a mental correction facility while another (maybe even worse a case) is sitting on the throne of madness in a city of his own and called his Higness? The high bit makes sense because he surely must be un-fucking-believably “high” to devote his whole life to an idea that is:
1. Not even his.
2. Mad.
3. Cannot be proved till the end of time.
This to me is the holy-roly trinity of bollocks and the Pope among other of his kind, satisfies it rather well.
You wonder about these things and you wonder whether you will, after all, end up in hell for your disturbed and blasphemous notions.
And then comes along a book like Scepticism Inc. by Bo Fowler.
Fowler known for this work and for The Astrological Diary of God is seriously one nihilist that the religious masses do not want to fuck with. This is because he has discharged the same dormant energy and reasoning of these millions of brainwashed chickens into pages that speak of more logic then all the holy texts put together.
The narrator of Scepticism Inc. is a shopping trolley. An unlikely reporter but it all comes together in the end when you see that even a fucking shopping trolley has more sense than most people. His early ideological rival and later human god is Edgar Mallroy. Edgar is a non-believer and has always been one but he breaks new ground when he thinks his own absent faith does not mean that he can’t make money off those who do have it. He opens a metaphysical betting shop so that people can bet on their silly faiths because quite simply put, people would do so only in things that they are absolutely sure of and financially comfort in. But no, this challenge to religion makes all the fucking loonies in the world go mad with raving bets. They can’t get enough. They think this is a test by each of their individual gods and hence, go on betting with insane amounts and chaotic consequences.
Add to this the fact that the woman Edgar loves the most, Sophie Alderson, is his biggest rival and queen bee of all these loonies and you have a love triangle that literally stinks to high heaven.
A must read for its novel approach to questioning and satirizing the fallible concept of God and presenting it with such absurdism that will keep you hooked. In the end, it’s left to you whether you still want to resort to religion.
And if you do, you are fucking mad and there is no hope for you.
Not here and not in eternity.
1. Not even his.
2. Mad.
3. Cannot be proved till the end of time.
This to me is the holy-roly trinity of bollocks and the Pope among other of his kind, satisfies it rather well.
You wonder about these things and you wonder whether you will, after all, end up in hell for your disturbed and blasphemous notions.
And then comes along a book like Scepticism Inc. by Bo Fowler.
Fowler known for this work and for The Astrological Diary of God is seriously one nihilist that the religious masses do not want to fuck with. This is because he has discharged the same dormant energy and reasoning of these millions of brainwashed chickens into pages that speak of more logic then all the holy texts put together.
The narrator of Scepticism Inc. is a shopping trolley. An unlikely reporter but it all comes together in the end when you see that even a fucking shopping trolley has more sense than most people. His early ideological rival and later human god is Edgar Mallroy. Edgar is a non-believer and has always been one but he breaks new ground when he thinks his own absent faith does not mean that he can’t make money off those who do have it. He opens a metaphysical betting shop so that people can bet on their silly faiths because quite simply put, people would do so only in things that they are absolutely sure of and financially comfort in. But no, this challenge to religion makes all the fucking loonies in the world go mad with raving bets. They can’t get enough. They think this is a test by each of their individual gods and hence, go on betting with insane amounts and chaotic consequences.
Add to this the fact that the woman Edgar loves the most, Sophie Alderson, is his biggest rival and queen bee of all these loonies and you have a love triangle that literally stinks to high heaven.
A must read for its novel approach to questioning and satirizing the fallible concept of God and presenting it with such absurdism that will keep you hooked. In the end, it’s left to you whether you still want to resort to religion.
And if you do, you are fucking mad and there is no hope for you.
Not here and not in eternity.
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